How I am Learning to Stop Gossiping and Be Impeccable with My Word

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hot Topics and Hot Pockets

Hot Topics do to my mouth what Hot Pockets do to Jim Gaffigan's digestive tract. Hot Topics are topics that create such an emotional response for me that it is nearly impossible to not run at the high volume. I'm trying to bring more consciousness as to what my Hot Topics are because if I know what they are then I can brace myself to be super present when they come up. Some Hot Topics for me: rude/mean people (that is, my interpretation of rude/mean people), politics, and recent emotional wounds.

As I try to understand my own Hot Topics, enjoy this video from Jim Gaffigan on Hot Pockets.

1 comment:

  1. "My back hurts!" Love this clip...and the great comparison to Hot Topics.
