How I am Learning to Stop Gossiping and Be Impeccable with My Word

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Communication Transformation

It's only been a week. Is my life starting to shift? A little. One noticeable change is that I am being more courageous in my communication with others. Since I am not able to pout, play the victim or complain about my interactions after the fact, I am forced to speak my truth and lay it on the line directly with people. It has been incredibly empowering. Is the fact that I am treating others with more respect translating to treating myself with more respect too? It has to be.

On another topic, maybe related to this and maybe not, I have had four people contact me with regard to job opportunities this week! Four! When the 4th one came in today over email, I literally wanted to cry. I felt like the Universe is really listening to me. For YEARS I have been dissatisfied with this part of my life. It is the biggest open sore of my existence. I'm not saying that this word impeccability experiment is the reason for an unusual number of job invitations coming my way, but I can't deny something is shifting. And it's big. Stay tuned.

Anyone else out there playing with this and having similar experiences?

1 comment:

  1. I love that in your first post you wrote "I feel like if I could do this ONE thing--it might make all the difference in my little world."

    And look, in ONE WEEK, it already has!
