How I am Learning to Stop Gossiping and Be Impeccable with My Word

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Gossip Work Arounds

As I continue to work on stopping gossip, I am finding that my mind can be quite clever. It has discovered ways to cheat on my "gossip diet". (I know, it isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle). For instance, I tell a story about someone, but don't reveal their name. This way I feel like I am being noble in protecting their identity. Or I'll express how I am feeling about someone in the name of speaking my truth, but what I am sharing isn't really productive, necessary or kind. Technically, I am not gossiping. But if I am to move toward my goal of being IMPECCABLE (that is, using the word only in the direction of truth and love) then these work-arounds won't fly with my goal.

No doubt, ending the gossip is the big first step to being impeccable with my word. I really have improved on this tremendously. I still question the gray area - what is truthful and what is using the word as a sword? For instance, what about venting? It's supposed to be healthy, but how often do I say I'm venting as an excuse to release my frustration with someone and pollute someone else in the process? These are not easy questions to answer. Maybe someone out there has some insight. I guess it comes down to intent and also, doing my best. I'm not going to be a zealot, but I'm also not giving up.

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